Monday, November 19, 2012

Project schedule update

I am noticing that the dates noted earlier for the final presentation were not right.  Seems the end of the quarter is sneaking up faster than I thought.

Presentations will be given December 3 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM during the scheduled final examination time in the classroom.  Feel free to invite friends, family.

Your final pdfs are due on Wednesday November 28.  Please be sure your plans reflect this.

Lab 15

Lab 15 Briefing Material (pdf file)

Lab 15 Prep:

1.  Download the briefing materials and read them.  Perform the work needed for items #2 and #4.  Record results in your lab notebook.  In lab you will carry out these procedures and calculations.

2.  You will need to determine the thickness of the microscope slide with a micrometer.   We have a bunch of slides but the micrometer has a minimum jaw width of 1 inch (maximum is 2 inches).  Think of at least one way that this seemingly unfortunate circumstance is an opportunity for higher precision.

3.  Generate an error budget containing at least 4 important contributions.  How accurate do you expect your refractive index measurement to be (numerically, as a percentage)?

Don't forget slide titles are due as well - emailed to me.  Take note that your presentations will only be 10 minutes long.  So you will only need a small handful of slides.  5 would be a lot.  Those of you in teams identify who will present which slides.

Also:  those of you who need equipment for your projects from the Physics storeroom be sure to work with Brian and Al to arrange its use asap.  They are expecting you and waiting to be helpful to you.