Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lab 6 Briefing

Meet in the lab, Wing B 144, instead of the classroom.

Hard to believe we're already finishing week 3. That means it's time for lab notebook review, so prep this time is to catch your lab notebook up-to-date and be prepared to show it to me during the next lab session. I'll spend 5 or so minutes with each of you assessing notebook quality. There will be 2 possible outcomes:  (1) you've got an acceptable notebook and you're good to go - you've got a pass on further notebook review. And (2), I'll be reviewing your notebook again to see how you are improving based on the advice I give you. Notebook quality is not directly a part of your grade, it only counts so far as good notebook quality helps you otherwise get a good grade. So treat this as a no-risk skill-building exercise. Good lab notebooks are essential - without good notes all you are doing is experiencing.  Without records you can not really do science since a key aspect of science is it's repeatability.