Friday, October 26, 2012

Lab 9X Prep

Lab 9X will finish off Lab 9, which is too long to do in a single session.  For the prep you will need to work in your 3 groups to come to consensus on your work product.  These are what we discussed in class on Wednesday.  Each team will need to email me pdf's of the two work products before lab.  Each team please also bring 4 hard copies.  One of these copies will be used in the briefing via the overhead projector camera and the remaining three will be distributed among the teams.

Team Mercury:
1)  Determine your team's best value for the error introduced by background light and its drifts.  You will have 2 parts to your analysis:  one regarding the background drifts, and another that explicitly considers the background contribution to the signal in the measurement of I(theta).  You can use any reasonable units you wish as long as they are quantitative.  Generate a 1-page pdf describing how the error values were estimated, and report the values.
2)  Generate a procedure to minimize the errors due to background light in an improved version of Lab 8's Malus' Law experiment.  Generate a 1-page pdf describing this procedure adequate for sharing with the class

Team Gemini
1) Determine your team's best value for the errors introduced by human factors.  You can use any reasonable units as long as they are quantititive.  Generate a 1-page pdf describing how the values were estimated, and report the values.  
2)  Generate a procedure to minimize the errors due to human factors in an improved version of Lab 8's Malus' Law experiment.  Generate a 1-page pdf describing this procedure adequate for sharing with the class.
Team Apollo:  
1)  Determine your team's best value for the error introduced by laser drifts.  You can use any reasonable units you wish as long as they are quantitative.  Generate a 1-page pdf describing how the value was estimated, and report the value.  
2)  Generate a procedure to minimize the laser drift error in an improved version of Lab 8's Malus' Law experiment.  Generate a 1-page pdf describing this procedure adequate for sharing with the class.